Considered as the second biggest sports event in the world after Olympics, the history of Commonwealth Games dates back to 1930s when the event was held for the first time. However, the concept of conducting a sports event like this trails back to1891.
It was Reverend Astley Cooper, who for the first time proposed for a common platform of sports for the members belonging to the British Empire. The underlying aim behind organizing for a sporting event like this was to increase better understanding and goodwill of the British Empire. The idea for organizing Commonwealth Games took shape during the Olympic Games of 1928. The first Commonwealth Games were held in Canada in Hamilton in the year 1930. The name of the event during that time was British Empire Games.
The first British Empire Games or Commonwealth Games were attended by 400 athletes coming from 11 nations. The name was changed to British Empire and Commonwealth Games in the year 1954. The year 1978 is witness to the final change in name from "British Empire and Commonwealth Games" to its present day name "Commonwealth Games." This world famous sporting event is held every four years and mainly involves the participation of the most talented athletes of the Commonwealth.
Presently there are 53 Commonwealth of Nations members. Out of the 71 teams, which individually participate in this event, only six teams have participated in all the Commonwealth Games that include nations like England, Australia, Scotland, New Zealand, England and Wales.
While Australia has scored the maximum number of times in the Commonwealth Games for ten games, England is the second highest scoring team for seven games; this country is followed by Canada for one.
Last Updated on : 4 October 2010