The region of Rakabganj is located at a distance of 5 kms from the airport. The nearest railway station is Idgah Railway Station situated to the west of the city. The rest of the city is well connected to Rakabganj through bus routes. The place is the hub of many official agencies and banks like the Employment Exchange, the Bank of Baroda, the Central Bank and the State Bank of India. The district hospital is also situated in Rakabganj. Several luxury and cheap hotels and food centers cater to the needs of the tourists that can be found in plenty residing in this region.
The place also abounds in well developed shopping arcades. Other than the classy malls, the Sabji Mandi or the local market place in Rakabganj can be accessed for a good bargain of local products. One of the most famous shopping markets of this region are:
M/s Chandra Craft Palace
159, Garden Road, Balu Ganj,
Agra. # 2363263
Rakabganj also has elaborate departmental stores that caters to all needs of the visitors. There are many shops near the Central Bank that sell designed garments. All items of the visitors choice are easily available within the vicinity of Rakabganj.
Rakabganj is the bustling hub of the city of Agra. The township is centrally located and is well informed and maintains the latest trends for its domestic citizens and visitants.
Last Updated on 01/06/2013