Jallianwala Bagh had already become by that time, a public square, a place for the Indians to meet for meetings and protests against the oppression. At that time, Edward Dyer was the British General and on seeing the crowd, he ordered his men to open fire on the unarmed and non-violent group of innocent people.
The Amritsar Massacre, also known as the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, is an extremely dishonorable and disgraceful event because of the kind of brutality that was practiced by the British on the helpless Indians. For a long time, the soldiers unloaded the bullets ruthlessly and brutally on the crowd that was trapped to death. Nearly four hundred people were killed and more than a thousand were severely injured.
This appalling and horrifying event of the massacre at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar resulted in the mass Indian uprising and insurgence and ultimately led to the Indian Freedom. But, the tragic day of the massacre in Amritsar will always bring a bloodcurdling and terrifying memory in the minds of all Indians.