Wagah Border, Punjab

  • Wagah  Border
  • People attending ceremony at Wagah Border
  • Children, men and women gather at both the sides of the countries at Wagah Border
  • Wagah Border ceremony
  • Beating Retreat ceremony at Wagah border
  • Wagah Border closing ceremony
  • People celebrating ceremony at Wagah Border
  • Swarn Jayanti Dwar at Wagah Border

*Map showing the location of Wagah borders. Disclaimer


The Wagah border is a post between India and Pakistan. It has become famous for the beating the retreat ceremony which includes the closing of international gates and the lowering of the flags of both the countries. Around 5000 people visit the Wagah border, which has become very popular among tourists all over the world.

The flag code of India mandates that the national flag shall be flown only from sunrise to sunset. It is an entertainment ceremony and a highly stylized patriotic display as well as an energetic performance. The guards who perform are chosen carefully among those who have great height, ability to perform and imposing stature.

People from both the sides watch the ceremony. The crowd on weekends is heavy and people watch it from the stands.

There are certain things that one should remember while visiting Wagah border. There are jammers here so no mobile phone service is available here. No covered bags are allowed, including ladies handbags or purses. There are stalls nearby,to buy food and bottled water.


The ceremony was started in 1959 and was agreed by the government of both the countries. Since then, the ceremony has been conducted with much pomp and splendor. The ceremony started decades ago as a gesture of good will among the two countries. However, the ceremony took an aggressive turn after a few years.

The border place comprises of a huge arch and has gates of both the countries. Seating arrangements are enabled for spectators to watch the ceremony. Exclusive seats are reserved for women. General seating is allowed only for men. There is also a VIP seating close to the gate and requires a special pass.


The watch is located in Attari in Amritsar in the state of Punjab, India. Located at a distance of around 28 km from Amritsar and around 475 km from Delhi, this is at an international border of Pakistan and India. It is located on NH - 1 in Punjab. The border is situated in Lahore in Pakistan around 25 km from the city.


The ceremony lasts for 45 minutes and is carried out before sunset. 4:15 pm is the time during winter and 4:45 during summer. The border gate is open from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. However, the ceremony starts only after 4:00 pm. So if you want to watch the ceremony, you have to reach the place not later than 3:00 pm.

Seats are packed on weekends and public holidays. No tickets are needed for the event.

How to Reach

There are various ways by which you can reach Wagah Border. It is accessible by road through buses and cars. Buses and other mode of transport are not allowed near the gate.

It is also possible to reach the Wagah border by train. The railway station in Amritsar is a junction. Various trains from all parts of the country halt here. One can get down in Amritsar and get into a taxi or bus to reach the place.

The airport is around 35 km from Wagah border and is located in Amritsar. The total travel time by road to reach Wagah border is 40 minutes. The fare can be anywhere around Rs. 700 to Rs. 800. Various flights from other parts of the city land in Amritsar. So it is easy to visit Wagah border even by air.

Where to stay

Tourist accommodation is not available at Wagah border. However, Amritsar has all types of stay accommodations and is only 30 km from Wagah border.

Location of Wagah Border, Amritsar, Punjab

Wagha Border - Entry Fee, Timing, Address, Official Website
AddressWagah Border, National Highway 1 PB, Amritsar, Punjab - 143001
Entry Fee :No entry fee
Timings :Visiting Hours - 2:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Phone No (Official) +91-172-2625950
Official Websitewww.amritsarcorp.com
Photography allowed or notNot Allowed
Nearest railway stationAtari Railway Station

Last Updated on : June 14, 2021