Kerala has the highest sex ratio.
Sex ratio is a valuable source for finding the ratio of women population to that of men. Sex ratio denotes the number of females per 1000 of males. It was revealed in 2011 census that the trend is upward as the national sex ratio has improved from 933 (2001 census) to 943 (2011 census).
As per 2011 census, Kerala has the highest sex ratio in India with 1084 females per 1000 males. Tamil Nadu comes at the second position with 996 females per 1000 males, whereas erstwhile Andhra Pradesh comes at third place with a sex ratio of 993, closely followed by the states of Chhattisgarh (991) and Meghalaya (989).
Among states, Haryana has the worst sex ratio with 879 females per 1000 males.
Among Union Territories, Puducherry has the highest sex ratio of 1037, whereas Daman and Diu has the worst sex ratio which is as low as 618.
If we consider child sex ratio (number of females per thousand males in age group 0-6 years), Arunachal Pradesh comes at the top with a score of 972, closely followed by states of Meghalaya and Mizoram with a score of 970 each. Haryana here again fares the worst with a score of only 834. Among Union Territories, Andaman & Nicobar Islands has the highest child sex ratio of 968 whereas Daman and Diu again has worst child sex ratio with a score of 904. Overall child sex ratio of the country is 919.