Bihar has the highest crude birth rate in India.
Crude Birth Rate is defined as the number of live births per 1000 population during a year. Crude Birth Rate is usually the dominant factor in determining the rate of population growth. Annual Health Survey has estimated a pan-India Crude Birth Rate of 21.6.
Based on 2012 data released by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of India, Bihar has now acquired the topmost position in the list of the highest crude birth rate of 27.7 after dethroning Uttar Pradesh. The state of Uttar Pradesh ranks second and is just behind Bihar in the list with a crude birth rate of 27.4. Madhya Pradesh comes at the third position with a crude birth rate of 26.6. Next in the list – Rajasthan – completes the dominance of BIMARU states in the list. The state of Rajasthan has a crude birth rate of 25.9.
Apart from BIMARU states, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Meghalaya, and Assam are the states which have a crude birth rate higher than the national average of 21.6 which is 24.7, 24.5, 24.1, and 22.5 respectively. Haryana is the state having crude birth rate identical to the national average i.e. 21.6.
With a crude birth rate of 25.6, Dadra and Nagar Haveli is the only Union Territory having a crude birth rate higher than the national average.
All other states have crude birth rates lower than the national average. Goa has the lowest crude birth rate, which is 13.9 only.
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