Arunachal Pradesh Dance

It goes without mention that dance forms a chief ingredient in the festivities of Arunachal Pradesh. Like in many other states of India, Arunachal Pradesh dance forms the basis of all celebrations in the territory.

Some of the important dance of Arunachal Pradesh that deserves special mention in this context are:
  • Aji Lamu (Monpa Tribe)
  • Chalo (Nocte Tribe)
  • Hiirii Khaniing (Apatani Tribe)
  • Lion and Peacock dance (Monpa)
  • Pasi Kongki (Adi)
  • Ponung (Adi Tribe)
  • Popir (Adi Tribe), etc.
It is noteworthy in this context that most of the aforesaid dances are group dances, which is accompanied by songs, generally sung in a chorus. The dance performed by the Adi tribe of Arunachal Pradesh are generally group dances, which are performed by young girls decked in colorful costumes.

Although, dance in Arunachal Pradesh is performed both by men and women in groups; yet there are a few dances which are restricted to men in Arunachal Pradesh. Arunachal Pradesh dance such as the war dances of the Adis, Noctes and Wanchos, the Igu dance of the Mishmi tribe, the ritualistic dance of the Buddhist tribes are meant especially for the men: women are completely forbidden to participate in the aforesaid dance forms.

It is remarkable that the dance at Arunachal Pradesh has evolved tremendously. In Arunachal Pradesh, dance varies from martial steps and folk dances to highly specialized form of dance performed by the Buddhists. In Arunachal Pradesh, the Adis dance not only for merriment, but they celebrate the dance form as a form of art. Furthermore, the dance of the Buddhists in Arunachal Pradesh has taken the form of a stylized religious dance drama in their march towards evolution.

Last Updated on: 09 March 2013