Capital High School in Bhubaneswar is one of the earliest schools in Bhubaneswar. This school was founded early in 1951.
Capital High School in Bhubaneswar is affiliated to the Board of Secondary Education of Orissa.
The notable features of the Capital High School in Bhubaneswar may be listed as follows:
Capital High School of Bhubaneswar provides sufficient provisions for worldwide conferences, sports meet at the country level and celebrations like independence day or republic day.
Capital High School in Bhubaneswar has a wide vision which promises that in the near future the school will become one of the most outstanding schools in Asia.
Capital High School in Bhubaneswar gives emphasis on the fundamentals of life like morality, health- both physical as well as mental, inquisitiveness, respect for the elders, emotions, rationality, patriotism, creativity, leadership and over all love for work.
Last Updated on 27 July 2012