The Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology of Bhubaneswar(CIPET) is an autonomous research institute under the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers of the Government of India. Its headquarters are in Chennai. Some of the long-term programmes offered by the Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology of Bhubaneswar(CIPET) are:
Master of Technology in Plastics Engineering (M.Tech-PE) - 2 years :
Eligibility - B.E./B.Tech/B.Sc., Engineering in Mechanical/Chemical/Production/ Polymer/Tool Engineering/M.Sc in Polymer Science/Chemistry.
Maximum Age : 35 years
Post Graduate Diploma in Plastics Engineering (PGD-PE)
Post Graduate Diploma in CAD/CAM for Plastics Engineering (PGD- CAD PE):
The course duration is 1 year, the age limit being 26.
Eligibility - B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc., Engineering in Mechanical/Chemical/Production/Polymer/Tool Engineering/Electrical and Electronics/ Instrumentation/ Petrochemical/Electrical/Mechatronics or equivalent.
Maximum Age : 26 years
Post Graduate Diploma in Plastics Processing and Testing (PGD-PPT) - 1� Years :
Eligibility - 3 Year Degree in Science with Chemistry
Maximum Age : 24 years
Post Graduate Diploma in Machine Maintenance (PDMM)
Diploma in Plastics Mould Design (PD-CAD PMD):
Eligibility - 3 Year Diploma in Mechanical/Plastics/Chemical Technology/Tool/ Production Engineering/Mechatronics/Automobile Engineering/Tool Die making/CIPET DPMT Equivalent or equivalent.
The age limit is 24 years and course duration is 1 year.
Diploma / Post Diploma in Plastics Mould Technology - Integrated programme (DPMT /PD-PMT)
Diploma / Post Diploma in Plastics Technology - Integrated Programme (DPT/PD-PT):
Eligibility for both of these is 10th standard passed with Maths, Science and English .The age limit is 18.
The placement cell of the Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology of Bhubaneswar(CIPET) advertises the latest openings in the industry on its website for the benefit of students.
The Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology of Bhubaneswar(CIPET) is an institute highly active in its field of work, offering a plethora of research-based courses to students.
Last Updated on 27 July 2012