Tripura Sex Ratio

Map of Tripura Sex Ratio

Map of Tripura Sex Ratio North Tripura MIZORAM BANGLADESH ASSAM
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*The Map showing sex ratio in Tripura as per 2011 census of India.

Disclaimer: All efforts have been made to make this image accurate. However Mapping Digiworld Pvt Ltd and its directors do not own any responsibility for the correctness or authencity of the same.

As per the 2011 Census, Tripura has a total population of 3,671,032. In the previous census of 2001 it had a population of 3,199,203. The total male population of Tripura is 1,871,867 and the total female population is 1,799,165. The population growth since the last census was 14.75 percent and the total population of the state forms 0.30 percent of the entire population in India. The area of Tripura is 10,486 sq. km with a Density of 350 per sq km.

The Sex Ratio in Tripura is 961 for each 1000 male and has increased since the last census in which it was 950 per 1000 males. The child sex ratio is 953 per 1000 males and has decreased as compared to 960 in the last census. The Literacy rate in Tripura is 87.75 percent, with male and female literacy at 92.18 and 83.15 percent respectively. In figures, the total literates in Tripura are 2,831,742 out of which 1,515,973 are males and 1,315,769 are females.

The following table provides district wise figures of population, growth, sex ratio, literacy and density in Tripura.

DistrictPopulationMale populationFemale populationGrowth Sex ratioLiteracyDensity
Dhalai37798819434218364622.7894586.82 157
North Tripura69328135247134081017.3296788.29341
South Tripura87514444712442802014.0395785.41286
West Tripura 172461987793084668912.596488.91576

Last Updated on : 7/06/2013