Bhilai Steel Plant

Bhilai Steel Plant is one of the largest steel plants in the world. Bhilai Steel Plant is located in the city of Bhilai, forty km west of Raipur by the Great-Eastern highway and the Howrah-Mumbai rail line.

It is connected to the adjoining mines through specially constructed railway lines. The rail line furnishes the plant with the required minerals like iron ore, dolomite, and manganese. Bhilai Steel plant manufactures steel products like rails, construction materials, railway sleepers, and other steel products.

The Bhilai Steel Plant or BSP is a public sector undertaking constructed with the assistance and technology of the Soviet Union. The Steel Plant is administered by the Steel Authority of India. The plant started its production from the year 1959. The main objective of constructing the steel plant in the remote and backward area was to generate employment opportunities for the inhabitants of the area.
Presently the steel plant employs 55, 000 permanent workers, of these nearly three-fifths are employed in the 17 square kilometer plant and the rest work in its mines and quarries, and other kinds of work linked with the plant.

For few years, the Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP) has been a profit earning organization, thus being the most flourishing industry in the public sector of India. It has the capacity to produce four million ton of steel, which is cheaper comparatively to other plants. The Government established the Steel Plant, the township, mines and the industrial estate by buying 96 villages compulsorily.

Last Updated on: 29th March 2013