The cricket score of Indians such as Sir Ranjitsinhji and Sir Duleepsinhji marked the beginning of a life long bonding between this game and the people of India.
1911 was the year, in which Indian team went out to England for its first cricket tour. New to the game, the team could not do much. Indian cricketers could not make great cricket scores but came back, enriched with invaluable experience.
The major breakthrough in Indian cricket came when India got the status of Test playing nation in 1936. Now the sixth Test playing nation of the world, Indian cricket team tried to improve its cricket score under the leadership of C K Naydu. Though learning and improving with each game, cricket score of Indian team could not reach the level where team could win any match. From 1932 to 1951 was the phase when India could not get any victory. India achieved its first sweetest Test win in 1952.
This memorable match was played against England in Madras (Chennai). Indian cricket was coming of age. This caravan of wins continued with another Test series win over Pakistan and then New Zealand in 1956. The streak did not last long and 1960s saw India winning just two Test series against England and New Zealand.
Last Updated : June 27, 2019