The total population of the union territory of Daman and Diu is 1,58,059. A variety of people constitute the Dman and Diu population.
Of the total population of 1,58,059, 65,581 are females and 92,478 are males. The total number of people who dwell in the urban regions of Daman and Diu is about 36.26% of the total population. One of the most significant aspects about the population of the place is the high percentage of urban population. The 36.26% urban population is quite high in contrast to the national urban population of 25.7%. The density of population in Daman and Diu is 1411 per square km.
The rate of literacy among the population of Damnan and Diu is quite high. The rate of literacy in the union territory is 81.09% of the total population of the place. The rate of literacy among the female population of the place is 70.37%. The rate of literacy among the male population at Daman and Diu is around 88.40% of the total population.
Most of the people who live in this union territory of India use the Gujarati language. the major religions of the region are Christianity, Hinduism and Islam.
Last Updated on: 3rd April 2013