B Ed Colleges in Bankura

Location Map of Top B.Ed Colleges in Bankura

List of B.Ed Colleges in Bankura

College NameAddressPhone no.Official Website
Athena B.Ed CollegeChuramonipur Sonamukhi Bankura - 722 207 West Bengal91-3242-274647 / 274618http://athena-bed.com/
Athena Primary Teachers' Training InstituteVill - Churamonipur P.O. - Sonamukhi Sub-Div - Bishnupur Bankura - 722 207 West Bengal91-3244-274647 / 274618 
Bankura College of EducationKaljuridanga, Bankura - Purulia Main Road P.O. Kenduadihi Block - Bankura II Tehsil / Taluka - Asna Town/City Bankura - 722 102 West Bengal91-3242-9434250641http://www.bankceducation.org
Joyrambati Ramkrishna Sarada PTTIP.O. - Joyrambati P.S. - Kotalpur Bankura - 722 161 West Bengal91-3244-244834http://www.joyrambatirsptti.com
Saltora B.Ed. CollegeCollege Road, Po:Saltora, Bankura, West Bengal-722158 03241-273273/ 9474456829 http://www.saltorabedcollege.com/
Uttaran College of EducationVill: Sabrakone Bankura - 722 149 West Bengal91--9732191767

Last Updated on : March 10, 2016