B Ed Colleges in Jharkhand

Location Map of Top B.Ed Colleges in Jharkhand

List of B.Ed Colleges in Jharkhand

College NameAddressContact DetailsWebsite
Tathagat Teacher's Training CollegeJora Pipal, P.O. Kalyanpur, Dhanbad9835258609, 9304127428/ [email protected]www.tttcdhanbad.org
R S Teachers Training College, B.Ed. College, DhanbadHirak Road Katras Bazar, Dhanbad, Jharkhand 828114098355 18500/ [email protected]www.rsttc.org
Birla Institute Of TechnologySindri, Dhanbad - 826001 (91)-326-2350729/ director[at]bitsindri.ac.inhttp://www.bitsindri.ac.in/
Ursuline Women's Teachers Training College, Lohardaga (Jharkhand)Lohardaga (Lohardaga Dist.) - 835302094317 06036/ [email protected]http://www.uwttcollege.org/address.aspx
Bethesda Teacher Training College, RanchiNear Sujatha Road Church Complex, Gungutoli, Kanka, Ranchi, Jharkhand 8340010651 235 0045/ [email protected] http://www.bwttcranchi.in/address.aspx
R. T. C. B.Ed College, Bariatu, RanchiBooty Rd, Ranchi, Jharkhand 8340090651 254 2114/ [email protected]http://rtcbedcollege.com/
Manrakhan B.Ed. College, Keda, RanchiH.B. Road, B.I.T. More, Mesra, Kedal, Ranchi, Jharkhand 835217070700 95265/ [email protected]manrakhanmahtobedcollege.com
Fatma B.Ed. College, Chandwey Dubaliya Kanke Ranchi.Hatwar, Ranchi, Jharkhand 834001094717 63024/ [email protected]http://www.fatmattc.com/about/htm/contc.htm
J.D. National B.Ed. College, Janum Angara RanchiRanchi - Purulia Rd, Angara, Ranchi, Jharkhand 835103091994 40314/ [email protected]jdnationalbedcollege.com
Uday Memorial B.Ed. College Kedal Neori-Vikash kanke Ranchi.8, Neori Vikas, Sadar, Kadal, Ranchi, Jharkhand 835217094319 91796/ [email protected]umbedcollege.org
Patel B.Ed. College Katamkuku Lodhma Kara Ranchi.1st Floor, Main Road, Behind- Kumar Pharma, Hinoo Chowk, Lodhma, Ranchi, Jharkhand 834004096082 77238/ [email protected]http://www.patelbedcollege.com/contact.aspx
Ranchi University, Ranchi (Jharkhand)Shaheed Chowk , Ranchi (Ranchi Dist.) - 834001095072 93314/ [email protected]http://www.ranchiuniversity.ac.in/
Guru Nanak CollegeBank More, Dhanbad- 826001 0326- 2308907, 0326 230 5070/ [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]http://www.gncollege.org/
Cambridge Institute of Teachers Education Tatisilwai ranchiCambridge Village, Tatisilwai, Ranchi, Jharkhand 8351030651 656 6121/ [email protected]http://www.citranchi.ac.in/
Jaipuria B.Ed College Angara RanchiBisa,P.O Getalsud, Angara, Ranchi, Jharkhand 835103098012 00804/ [email protected]http://www.jaspuriabedcollege.org/contact/
N.N. Ghosh Sanatan Teachers T.T. College Jamuary Kanke RanchiSanatan Road, Jamuary, Post Kokdoro, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand 8340060651 290 2568/ [email protected]http://www.rishikul.org.in/nn.html
Mother Ziramani T.T. College, Gunja, Ormanjhi, RanchiHendebili, Ranchi, Gunja, Jharkhand 835219072094 72779/ [email protected]http://www.mzttcollege.com/
Shaswat Institute of Teacher's Education, Ormanjhi, RanchiThrough Rukka Dam Road & Near Ranchi Gosala Campus, Post Office - Irba Block - Ormanjhi District - Ranchi, Hutup, Jharkhand 835217094711 32155/ [email protected]http://www.shaswatfoundation.org/
St. Xavier's College, RanchiDr. Camil Bulcke Path, Ranchi, Jharkhand 8340010651 221 4301/ [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]http://www.sxcran.org/
Samarpandeep B.Ed. CollegeUshamatu, Ratu, Ranchi, Jharkhand 8352220651 210 0300/ [email protected]http://samarpandeepbedcollege.org/contact.php
Shaswat Institute of Teachers EducationThrough Rukka Dam Road & Near Ranchi Gosala Campus, Post Office - Irba Block - Ormanjhi District - Ranchi, Hutup, Jharkhand 835217094711 32155/ [email protected]http://www.shaswatfoundation.org/contactus.html
Bharathi College of EducationMandar, Kandri, Jharkhand 835214093344 41116/ [email protected]http://www.bharathiedu.com/contact-us.html
Al Iqra Teacher's Training CollegeVill-Bario, Po- Sarkardih, Govindpur, Dhanbad, Jharkhand 828109093864 68776/ [email protected]http://www.aittc.org/
Loyola College of Education, Jamshedpur (Jharkhand)River View Area, P O Telco Works, East Singhbhum , Jamshedpur (East Singhbhum Dist.) - 8310040657 228 4461/ [email protected]http://loyolacollege.in/
J.K. B.Ed. CollegeShalbani, Jharkhand0657 291 0020/ [email protected]www.jkbedcollege.org
Jamshedpur Women's CollegeKharkai Link Road, Bistupur, East Singhbhum, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand 8310010657 224 9661/ [email protected]www.jsrwomenscollege.ac.in

Last Updated on : January 5, 2018