Jamshedpur education is catered to by the schools and colleges that have been established in the city. The Jamshedpur schools cater to the secondary and the higher secondary education in Jamshedpur while technical knowledge is provided by the reputed Jamshedpur colleges.
The schools and colleges in Jamshedpur foster the intellectual faculty of the pupils empowering them with education that enables them to deal with the challenges in life.
The government, along with the aid of Tata, has succeeded in establishing educational institutes that provide basic education at the primary level. The company has also established schools for the wards of the labors and the staff who work in the TATA enterprise. The company has also aided in the establishment of the various other schools that are present in the city. The presence of the steel company has facilitated in the development of all the sectors of the society along with the academic sector.
The colleges of the city of Jamshedpur yield some of the most proficient professionals in the stream of arts and science. Technical knowledge provided to the students, which aid them in dealing with the situations that they face in their place of work.
The educational institutes in the city of Jamshedpur ensure the holistic development of the character of the students, enabling them to excel in the profession they choose.
The following are the links to Jamshedpur education:
Last Updated on : February 10, 2016