The Central University of Gujarat came into existence on 3rd March, 2009. The first and the present Vice- Chancellor of the University is Prof. Raosaheb K. Kale who was appointed by the President of India, Smt. Pratibha Patil. Temporarily the university is situated at Gandhinagar.
The vision of the University is to constitute a “centre of excellence” that will have a social commitment, integrate modern scientific knowledge and also skills, maintaining the human values. The University shall also set itself as a model for higher education. The mission of the University on the other hand will be to impart education to those who deserves, train the students to face and adjust the new challenges of life, and develop the leadership quality and entrepreneurial abilities within themselves, for self development as well as the growth of the country.
Objectives of Central University of Gujarat
- Disseminating and advancement of knowledge through research and instruction in different branches of education
- Teaching of integrated and inter-disciplinary programmes in various educational disciplines
- Incorporating innovations in the process of teaching and learning
- To train and educate the manpower of the country
- Promote science and technology through establishing of linkages with the industries
- Aim at an all round development and welfare of the people
The Central University of Gujarat is a non-affiliating university which is planning to set up these following schools for proper distribution of education.
- School of Natural Science
- School of Humanities
- School of Social Science
- School of Technology
- School of Engineering
- School of Medicine
In the academic year for 2009-10, the university will focus on research and innovation in the teaching process. Some of the courses that have been started by the university are Master’s degree in various disciplines like arts and social sciences, M.Phil in international studies, chemical sciences etc and Ph.D programmes. The Central University of Gujarat instead of going for time-based programmes will follow the semester system of education and the students will also be provided with “Choice Based Credit System” or CBCS. It is a flexible process of learning where students will have the opportunity to learn at their individual pace, choose the elective courses, acquire inter-disciplinary outlook towards education and many more.
Last Updated on : March 28, 2016