Countdown to New Year 2025
The clocks have started counting backwards, with only a little time left before New Year 2025 bash! Time flies, right? And, while we are thrilled to welcome the New Year with open arms, equal is the excitement for New Year's eve. After all, it is the grand entryway from this year to the next.
Wondering how to celebrate New Year? Lucky for you, we've got it covered. MapsofIndia brings to you a specially curated list of New Year Parties and events happening in 2024-2025, in some of the most happening cities of India.
All you need to do is choose a city from the drop-down list below, and we'll set you up with all the 'flaming' activities in town! You pick the one that attracts you the most, good luck choosing! The list will include ranging all the way from events at Five Star hotels to small fun parties and concerts. There will be information on the date, time and venue of the event along with things you can do once you are at the place.
You must be aware of all the events featuring stars that remain talk of the town and make for headlines of newspapers several days before and after the arrival of New Year. Not everyone can have an access to these events because of huge expenses involved, but those who think that they can't attend fun New Year events at all, without shelling out big bucks from their pockets, are living in ignorance. You will be glad to know that numerous big and small events, centered around New Year are organized every year. Many of these events take place in your city and attending them falls within your budget without your knowing it and for those who don't mind spending lavishly, the options are numerous. We are here to help if you are ready to experiment.
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Last Updated on : December 30, 2024