Namami Gange - Saving the Ganga
The Clean Ganga project is officially known as the Integrated Ganga Conservation Mission project or 'Namami Gange'. This is basically a dream project of Prime Minster Narendra Modi. Before he became the PM of India, Modi had been a staunch advocate of cleaning up the river Ganga. He promised that if he were voted to power he would start the project right away.
True to his word, he got the said project started within a few months of becoming the new PM. This project has already paid dividends to him. This was evident during his recent visit to the US where the Clinton family congratulated him on the project. The project has been in the news of late for the way RSS, the parent party of BJP, has decided to monitor it and also because of the various investment plans - with tax benefits - that the government is announcing with regard to this project.
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Why Clean Ganga Project started
When the Integrated Ganga Conservation Mission project called "Namami Gange" was launched with an initial sum of Rs. 2,037 crore allocated in the Union Budget 2014-15,

Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley
had stated that a significant amount of money had been spent in improving the condition of the river as well as conserving the same
had stated that a significant amount of money had been spent in improving the condition of the river as well as conserving the same
The Ministry Involved in Project Ganga
Union Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation
Union Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation
When it will be completed
A few days back, the Supreme Court had asked the Indian Government when the Clean Ganga project be completed. In its reply to the apex judicial body of the country, the national administration had answered that the process shall take at least 18 years to be completed. This is not an unusual target considering the length and breadth of the river in question - it almost covers almost the entire part of northern India and stretches from Uttarakhand in northwest to West Bengal in eastern India.
Estimated Project Duration
18 years
18 years
Project Cost
₹ 2037 crore
₹ 2037 crore
Project Start Date
July 2014
July 2014
Area covered in the project

Implementation of the project
The Namami Gange project will be implemented in several stages. While the exact details are not known yet, one understands that it will involve activities such as cleaning up the tributaries to start with. The authorities will also be supposed to manage the cities through which the river is flowing so that the industrial units in these cities do not dump their effluents and wastes over there. Development of tourism will also be an important part of this project because it shall help meet the expenses towards the upkeep of the project. The authorities may also look to develop a channel that runs from Allahabad till Haldia in West Bengal that shall help in navigation.

Major issues for the project
To start with, the major problem for the Namami Gange project is going to be the sheer size of
2500 km
and passes through
29 big cities
48 towns
23 similar cities
Controversy surrounding the project
One of the major controversies surrounding the Clean Ganga project has been the difference of opinion among the members of the panel that has been constituted for ruuning it. The committee had been set up during July 2014 with secretaries from various departments. One of the major issues surrounding the project has been getting back flood-land for the gradually increasing population of these areas. There is also difference of opinion regarding importance of inland waterways.
Clean Ganga Project Facts
Project Cost | Rs 2037 crore |
The Ministry involved in Project Ganga | The Union Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation |
Purpose of project | Cleaning up of River Ganga |
Project Start Date | July 2014 |
Estimated Project Duration | 18 years |