Balaram Ambaji Wildlife Sanctuary

The Balaram Ambaji Wildlife Sanctuary is situated in the northern part of Gujarat in the Aravalli hills. The Balaram Temple and the Ambaji Temples lies in the two corners of the Balaram Ambaji Wildlife Sanctuary of Gujarat from which the sanctuary got its name. The Balaram Ambaji Wildlife Sanctuary came into existence on 7th August 1989 by the active initiation of the government of Gujarat. The sole aim of the Balaram Ambaji Wildlife Sanctuary of Gujarat is protection, propagation and development of wildlife and its environment.

The dry deciduous forests of the Balaram Ambaji Wildlife Sanctuary not only conserve the depletion of the Aravalli eco-system but also control the southward expansion of the Thar Desert. The area surrounding the Balaram Ambaji Wildlife Sanctuary in Gujarat falls in the catchments of Banas River and Sabarmati River.

Balaram Ambaji Wildlife Sanctuary in Gujarat has a rich floral diversity. The medicinal plants of the sanctuary are quite valuable. The Balaram Ambaji Wildlife Sanctuary at Gujarat is the home to more than 483 species of plants. Those include 107 species of trees, 58 species of shrubs, 219 species of herbs, 49 species of climbers, 40 species of grass and 10 species of lower plants. The floral and faunal species have a great global conservation significance.

mru The rare and endangered species of wild life that harbors in the Balaram Ambaji Wildlife Sanctuary are as follows:
  • Sloth bear
  • Striped hyena
  • Leopard
  • Bluebull
  • Porcupine
  • Fox
  • Small Indian civet
  • Indian pangolin
Balaram Ambaji Wildlife Sanctuary is the hub of numerous reptiles such as venomous and non-venomous snakes, monitor lizards, star tortoise, etc. The bird population of the Balaram Ambaji Wildlife Sanctuary in Gujarat includes:
  • Stork
  • Osprey
  • Spoonbill
  • White backed Vulture
  • Black vultures
Last Updated on : 30 September 2011