Cyclone Nilofar

निलोफर चक्रवात

Cyclone Nilofar Path

Cyclone Nilofar Path Map


* Map showing Cyclone Nilofar path


Cyclone Nilofar Facts


Name of the cyclone Nilofar
Category of Cyclone Very Severe Cyclonic Storm
Name Contributed by Pakistan
Originated at Arabian Sea
Expected to make landfall on (date) 30th October 2014
Countries going to be affected India, Pakistan, Oman
States and districts in India going to be affected Gujarat
Expected Maximum wind speed 165km per hour

Forecast track and intensity of the system are given in the table below (as per IMD)

Date/Time(IST) Position (Lat. 0N/ long. 0E) Maximum sustained surface wind speed (kmph) Category of cyclonic disturbance
30-10-2014/0530 19.5/63.6 100-110 gusting to 120 Severe Cyclonic Storm
30-10-2014/1130 19.8/64.3 90-100 gusting to 110 Severe Cyclonic Storm
30-10-2014/1730 20.3/65.0 80-90 gusting to 100 Cyclonic Storm
30-10-2014/2330 20.8/65.7 70-80 gusting to 90 Cyclonic Storm
31-10-2014/0530 21.3/66.4 60-70 gusting to 80 Cyclonic Storm
31-10-2014/1730 22.5/67.8 40-50 gusting to 60 Depression

Cyclone Nilofar News and Updates

Cyclone Nilofar: Rains to occur in parts of Gujarat

5:00 AM, Oct 31, 2014

According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD) the depression over the northeast Arabian Sea which has weakened into a well-marked low pressure area would bring moderate rainfalls in areas such as Kutch and Saurashtra of Gujarat in the next 24 hours. As per IMD, the wind with speeds of 35-40 kmph will prevail in many places in Gujarat and will gust to 55 kmph. It has alerted the fishermen in the Gujarat coast not to venture into the sea for the next 24 hours.


Cyclone Nilofar: Deep Depression weakened into Depression

10:00 AM, Oct 31, 2014

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) issued the latest updates about the cyclone Nilofar. According to IMD, the deep depression which was over the northeast Arabian Sea has weakened into Depression and has moved to the northeastwards during early hours of 31 October. As per IMD, at present the cyclone is about 480 km southwest of Naliya in Gujarat and 510 km south-southwest of Karachi in Pakistan. IMD says that in the next 12 hours it will continue to move northeastwards and will then weaken into a well marked low pressure area over the northeast Arabian Sea.


Nilofar Cyclone to get weaker

4:45 PM, Oct 30, 2014

As per the current updates by the India Meteorological Department (IMD), the cyclone Nilofar would move northeastwards and will rapidly weaken into a depression after it will reach Gujarat coast on 31 October. According to IMD, it is about 560 southwest of Naliya in Gujarat and 590 km south-southwest of Karachi in Pakistan by the noon of 30 October.


Cyclone Nilofar: Slowly approaching Gujarat

11:00 AM, Oct 30, 2014

According to the recent updates from the India Meteorological Department (IMD), the cyclone Nilofar is 700 km south-southwest of Karachi in Pakistan and about 680 km southwest of Naliya in Gujarat by the morning of 30 October. Reportedly, IMD forecasts that the cyclone is moving northeastwards and will weaken into a depression near the northern coast of Gujarat by the evening of 31 October.

As per media reports, the private telecom operators have put in place their facilities across the districts of Gujarat so that it may not affect the telephone communication due to the approaching cyclone. According to media reports, 1948 is the helpline number allocated for the telecom services in Gujarat which will provide information about missing people and will intimate all the subscribers via SMS services.

Ref: Media Reports and IMD

IMD: Nilofar to weaken once it will reach Gujarat

4:45 PM, Oct 29, 2014

According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), the Nilofar cyclone has weakened and will further weaken more, after it will reach the coast of Gujarat. IMD announced that the cyclone will marginally affect the Gujarat coast with a wind speed of 60-70 kmph which will gain maximum speed of 80 kmph. As per the updates from IMD and media reports, the Nilofar cyclone is likely to reach the coast of Naliya region either on the night of 31 October or early hours of 1 November.


Nilofar Cyclone to reach Gujarat on Saturday

10:20 AM, Oct 29, 2014

Cyclonic storm Nilofar which is developing in the Arabian Sea will reach Gujarat on Saturday, according to the India Meteorological Department. As per media reports, on Tuesday, the cyclone intensified to a Category 4 hurricane with wind speeds of about 135-160 mph. However, on Wednesday the winds’ speed reportedly weakened to 120 mph and is equivalent to Category 2 hurricane. According to the MeT Department, the cyclone could also have mild impact in border districts of Rajasthan. The state government of Gujarat has started evacuating about 30,000 people living in the coastal regions of of the state.

Gujarat readies for Nilofar Cyclone; alert issued for fishermen

5:00 PM, Oct 28, 2014
After the forecast by the Indian Meteorological department (IMD) about the approaching Nilofar cyclone, Gujarat will shift the people to safer places who are living in the coastal areas. The authorities have told the media that the state has started moving people to safer zones. As per media reports, the related authorities have informed the ports along the coast of Gujarat to be prepared in advance for any eventuality. Anandiben Patel, Chief Minister of Gujarat has also said that the state government is prepared to encounter and face the storm. According to media reports the fishermen in the region have been issued an alert and advised not to enter the sea as the cyclone will likely make a landfall on 31 October. It is reported that all the boats in the sea have been called back.


Ref: Media Reports

Nilofar approaching Gujarat

10:30 AM, Oct 28, 2014

The cyclonic storm Nilofar is slowly approaching the coasts of Gujarat. According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), by the morning of 28 October, it is about 1,120 km southwest of Naliya in Gujarat, 1,160 south-southwest of Karachi in Pakistan and 840 km east-southeast of Salalah in Oman. Reportedly, it will move north-northwestwards in the next 18 hours and is expected to cross north Gujarat and the coast of Pakistan by the forenoon of 1 November. According to IMD, the coastal districts of the areas such as Saurashtra and Kutch are likely to face the heavy to very heavy rainfalls. IMD has also forecasted that the speed of the winds is reaching 45-55 kmph and will increase to 65 kmph by 31 October. Similarly, it will become 80-90 kmph gusting to 100 kmph till the time of the landfall.


Cyclone Nilofar to turn severe in next 24 hours

10:40 AM, Oct 27, 2014

The cyclonic storm ‘Nilofar’ which was hurtling towards the coast of Gujarat will reportedly turn severe in the next 24 hours. According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), the storm which is over westcentral and adjoining southwest of the Arabian Sea has moved northwards and will lay its centre at 1,180km southwest of Naliya in Gujarat and 1,245 km south-southwest of Karachi in Pakistan. As per media reports, the cyclone will bring heavy to very heavy rains in the districts of north Gujarat. The MeT Department has warned the fishermen to return to the coast as the Gujarat coast could be very rough. As per IMD, the cyclone is expected to make a landfall in Gujarat on Friday.


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