Airports in Kerala

Kerala, a top tourist hub, has three major air ports that charts out its air transport routes. Major international airlines have set up their offices in God's Own Country to cash in on huge tourist footfalls. The telephone numbers of principal Kerala Airports and the top of the line airlines that you can board are listed below.

  • Thiruvananthapuram International Airport
    Telephone Numbers: +91- 471 2501424/2501220/2502323.

  • Cochin International Airport Limited
    Telephone Numbers: +91- 484 - 2 610115/2611322/2610033
    Fax Number: +91 - 484 - 610012
    Post your mails to [email protected]

  • Calicut Airport
    Telephone Numbers: +91- 483 2711314/2710417/ 2710517

  • Airports Authority of India

    Branches in South India

    Customer Care Desk: 1800 22 7722
    Telephone: 080 2554 8888
    Fax Number: 022 25489988
    Post your mails to [email protected]

  • Jet Airways

    Thiruvananthapuram International Airport
    Reservations Desk: 0471 2728864 / 2725267 / 2721018
    Airport Telephone Numbers: 0471 - 2500710/860
    To check-in over the telephone you can dial- 0471 2500860

  • Silk Air
    Kochi Branch Office
    Reservations Desk: 91-484/ 235 8127/8129/8130
    Fax Numbers: 91-484235 8124

    Cochin International Airport Limited
    Telephone Number: 91-484/261 0157
    Fax Number: 91-484261 0156

    Thiruvanathapuram Branch Office
    Telephone Numbers: 91-471-231 4141/231 4143
    Fax Number: 91-471-231 4144
    Post your mails to [email protected]

    Thiruvananthapuram International Airport
    Telephone Numbers: 91-471- 250 4141
    Fax Number: 91-471- 250 4142

    Gulf Air

    Reservations Desk: +91-0484-2359019/2359242/2359285/2359193
    Fax Number: 2359028.

    Reservations Desk: +91-471/2728003 / 2721902 / 2722663
    For information on flights dial 2501205/6
    Sales Desk: 2727579 / 2728489
    Fax Number: 2721129

    Qatar Airways and Kuwait Airways are some of the other options.