Nag Panchami - In Maharashtra, snake worship is considered as an important ritual and Nag Panchami is the festival in which snakes are worshiped. Clay images of cobras are made and set up in homes. People offer milk and sweets to the snake deity and people celebrated with music and dance. Snake charmers carry snakes in baskets and collect offerings from the people. Sangli in Maharashtra is famous for snake catchers and people come to watch their thrilling performances with snakes.
Narali Pournima - Narali Pournima is celebrated on the full moon day of the Shravan month as per the Hindu calendar. It is known by different names in different parts of Maharashtra. In this festival, people will make offerings of coconuts to the sea-god. The day also marks the beginning of the new fishing season and fishermen please the sea-god before sailing out with their decorated boats.
Gokul Ashtami - On Gokul Ashtami, Lord Krishna's birth is celebrated. Most followers fast till midnight and afterwards break their fast with festival food like rice, yogurt, butter, puris and potatoes. Dahi-Handi is another ritual which is performed on this day. Clay pots are filled with curd, rice and milk and are hung high up above the streets. Various groups of energetic young men and women form human pyramids to reach the Dahi-Handi and break them open.
Gudhi Padwa - Gudhi Padwa is celebrated as a sign to welcome the New Year and is considered as one of the most auspicious days. People from Maharashtra erect "Gudhis" on Padwa which is the first day of the Hindu New Year. "Gudhi" is a bamboo staff which has a colored silk cloth and a decorated cup on top of it as it symbolizes victory. People welcome the New Year by worshiping and distribute "Prasad" made out of Neem leaves, Gram-pulse and Jaggery.
Pola - This harvest festival is celebrated by Maharashtrian farmers. Bullocks which are considered as an essential part of the agricultural errands and village economy are honored. Bullocks are bathed and colorfully decorated on this day. They are then taken out in processions accompanied by music of drumbeats and Lezhim (a musical instrument). The festival brings out a significant side of the Hindu culture which treats cattle with dignity and gratitude.
Some other Modern festivals of Maharashtra are
:The Pune Festival - Initially, the festival was a local cultural event; however over the years it has gained national and international stature and evolved into a cultural event. The festival provides a unique platform for classical music and dance performers, while promoting modern trends in the performing and dramatic arts. The festival also has traditional and modern sporting events, beautiful textiles, handicrafts and cuisine of Maharashtra.