Bikaner District Map

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District Map of Bikaner

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District Map of Bikaner PAKISTAN  Bikaner City Map  Hanumangarh District  Jodhpur District  Jaisalmer District  Nagaur District  Churu District  Sri Ganganagar
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*The Map showing National Highway, Major Roads, District Head Quarter etc in the district of Bikaner, Rajasthan. Disclaimer

The district of Bikaner has a total area of 27,284 sq. km. Bikaner has a total population of 19.02 lac with 10.03 lac of men and 8.99 lac of women in the population. The literacy rate of the region is 57.54 %.

Bikaner is basically a agricultural district with cereals, pulses and oilseeds being the main agricultural products of the region. The district has few registered small scale industries and few employed persons.

Bikaner is one of the important tourist spots of Rajasthan .The district has many places of tourist interest like Junagarh, Ganga Golden Jubilee Museum, Camel Research Farm and many others.

Facts of Bikaner District
District HQBikaner
Population (2011)2,363,937
Sex Ratio905
Area (km2)27244
Density (/km2) 78
Tehsils Bikaner, Chhatargarh, Khajuwala, Kolayat, Lunkaransar, Nokha, Poogal, Sridungargarh
Lok Sabha Constituencies Bikaner
Assembly Constituencies Bikaner East, Bikaner West, Dungargarh, Khajuwala, Kolayat, Lunkaransar, Nokha
Languages Hindi, Rajasthani including Marwari
Rivers -----
Lat-Long 28.149503,72.892685
Travel Destinations Junagarh, Ganga Museum, Bhandasar Jain Temple, Laxmi Nath Temple, Shiv bari Temple, Ratan Behari Temple, Kolayat, Karni Mata Temple, Gajner Wild Life Sanctuary, Kalibangan, Devi Kund Sagar etc.
Government Colleges/Universities Maharaja Ganga Singh University, Government Dungar College, Government Law College, Govt. College, M.L.B. Government College, M.S. Government Girls College etc.

Last Updated on : December 13, 2014