Dholpur District Map

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District Map of Dholpur

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District Map of Dholpur Karauli District  Bharatpur District  UTTAR PRADESH  MADHYA PRADESH
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*The Map showing National Highway, Major Roads, District Head Quarter etc in the district of Dholpur, Rajasthan. Disclaimer

Bounded by Bharatpur district in the north, Morena district in the south, Agra district in the north-east and Sawai Madhopur district in the west, the district of Dholpur has been formed from Bharatpur district in the state of Rajasthan.

Dholpur District Map provides detailed information about the district and would help the travelers during trip to Dholpur.

Dholpur has a population of around 982,815 (2001 census).

The climate of Dholpur is generally hot.

The economy of the district is mainly based on agriculture. The major crops produced in Dholpur are pearl millet, paddy, sugarcane, wheat, barley, pulses, red chillies and guarseed.

Dholpur is also known worldwide for the Dholpur stone..

Getting to
Getting to Dholpur is easy and convenient. The nearest airport is at Agra.

The city of Dholpur on the main Central Railway track and NH-3, is located at a distance of 250 kilometers from Delhi.

Prime Attractions
The prime attractions of Dholpur include:

Muchchhkund: Located only 8 kilometers from the town of the Dholpur, the holy place is named after Raja Muchchhukand, the 24th ruler of the Suryavanshi Dynasty.

Ramsagar Sanctuary: It houses a large variety of water birds, fresh water crocodiles, fishes and snakes.

Shergarh Fort: The ancient fort is located in the south of Dholpur tower.

Talab-E-Shahi: Situated at a distance of 42 kilometers from Dholpur, the picturesque lake and palace were built in 1617 A.D. as a shooting lodge for Prince Shah Jahan.

Apart from the above-mentioned attractions, some other popular places for sightseeing in Dholpur include:
  • Khanpur Mahal
  • Laswari
  • Shiva Temple
Facts of Dhaulpur District
District HQDholpur
Population (2011)1,206,516
Sex Ratio846
Area (km2)3084
Density (/km2) 398
Tehsils Bari, Baseri, Dhaulpur, Rajakhera, Sepau
Lok Sabha Constituencies Karauli-Dholpur
Assembly Constituencies Bari, Baseri, Dholpur, Rajakhera
Languages Hindi, Rajasthani
Rivers Chambal, Gambhir
Lat-Long 26.725987,77.653713
Travel Destinations Machkund temple, Shahi Top, Chambal Safari, Chambal Boating, Hanumanji Temple, Shergarh Fort, Talab-e-Shahi, Ghantaghar, Shergarh Fort, Vanvihar, saipau, Dhaulpur Wildlife Santuary etc.
Government Colleges/Universities Government Law College, Government P.G. College etc.

Last Updated on : December 13, 2014