Nagaur District Map

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District Map of Nagaur

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District Map of Nagaur Nagaur City Map Pali Ajmer Jaipur Sikar Churu Bikaner Jodhpur
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*The Map showing National Highway, Major Roads, District Head Quarter etc in the district of Nagaur Rajasthan. Disclaimer

Nagaur District is one of the largest districts in Rajasthan . The area of the district is about 17,718 square kilometers. There are several historical and archaeological places of interest in this district.

Hindi, English and Rajasthani are the main languages spoken here. This district is bordered by Bikaner District, Pali District, Jodhpur District , Jaipur District, Churu District, Ajmer District and Sikar District.

Divisions of Nagaur district:

There are 10 tehsils in Nagaur district. Some of them are Nagaur, Jayal, Merta, Didwana, Ladnun, Makrana and Nawa.

Tourist attractions in Nagaur district:

Nagaur Fort: This fort dates back to the period of 2nd century. The sandy fort of Nagaur district has lofty walls as well as big campus. Inside the fort the tourists can see several palaces as well as temples.

Dadhimati Temple: The temple of Dadhimati is also popularly called as Goth-Manglod temple. This temple is located at a distance of about 40 kilometers from Nagaur. Dadhimati Temple was built during the reign of Gupta Dynasty in 4th century.

Son Nagar: This tourist spot is situated on the north-west border of Nagaur district. Tourists in this venue love to enjoy the desert life style. There is a museum which showcases items depicting Rajasthani life style.

  • The other places of interest in Nagaur district are:
  • Tarkeen Dargah
  • Jain Temple in Glass
  • Saiji ka Tanka
  • Bansiwala Temple
  • Nath Ji ki Chhatri
  • Khinvsar Fort
  • Meera Bai Temple
  • Bhanwal Matta Temple
  • Kuchaman Fort
  • Makarana
  • Jain Vishva Bharti Institute
  • Phalvardhika
  • Maroth
  • Harsolav
  • Mundiyad
  • Kurki
  • Gogelav
  • Peepasar
How to reach Nagaur district:

One can travel by air, rail or bus to Nagaur district. The airport in Jodhpur is the closet airport to this district. Jodhpur is about 135 kilometers from Nagaur district. The International airport located close to Nagaur district is the Jaipur airport (293 kilometers).

Facts of Nagaur District
District HQNagaur
Population (2011)3,307,743
Sex Ratio950
Area (km2)17718
Density (/km2) 187
Tehsils Degana, Didwana, Jayal, Kheenvsar, Ladnu, Makrana, Merta, Nagaur, Nawa, Parbatsar
Lok Sabha Constituencies Nagaur, Rajsamand
Assembly Constituencies Deedwana, Degana, Jayal, Khinvsar, Ladnun, Makrana, Merta, Nagaur, Nawan, Parbatsar
Languages Hindi, English, Rajasthani including Marwari
Rivers -----
Lat-Long 27.2009,73.741508
Travel Destinations Nagaur Fort, Tarkeen Dargah, Jain Temple, Saiji ka Tanka, Bansiwala Temple, Nath Ji ki Chhatri, Khinvsar Fort, Dadhimati Temple, Meera Bai Temple, Bhanwal Matta Temple, Kuchaman Fort, Makarana etc.
Government Colleges/Universities Bangur Government P.G. College, Government College (Merta City), Government Girls College (Nagaur), Government Law College (Nagaur), Govt. College (Jayal), S.B.R.M. Government P.G. College (Nagaur) etc.

Last Updated on : December 13, 2014