Pratapgarh District Map

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District Map of Pratapgarh

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District Map of Pratapgarh MADHYA PRADESH Chittaurgarh Udaipur Dungarpur Banaswara
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*The Map showing National Highway, Major Roads, District Head Quarter etc in the district of Pratapgarh, Rajasthan. Disclaimer

Facts of Pratapgarh District
District HQPratapgarh
Population (2011)867,848
Sex Ratio983
Area (km2)4112
Density (/km2) 211
Tehsils Arnod, Chhoti Sadri, Dhariawad, Peepalkhoont, Pratapgarh
Lok Sabha Constituencies Chittorgarh, Udaipur
Assembly Constituencies Dhariawad, Pratapgarh
Languages Hindi, Rajasthani including Wagdi, Kanthhalee-Bolee
Rivers Jakham, Mahi, Siwana
Lat-Long 24.033922,74.690151
Travel Destinations Jakham Reservoir, Sitamata Sanctuary, Gautmashewr Temple, Devgarh, Bhanwar Mata Temple etc.
Government Colleges/Universities Government P.G. College (Pratapgarh), Govt. College (Dhariyawad), Government polytechnic college etc.

Last Updated on : December 13, 2014