Kanger Ghati National Park, Chhattisgarh

Location of Kanger Ghati National Park, Chhattisgarh

Facts and Information about Kanger Ghati National Park

Address:Jagdalpur, Bastar, Chhattisgarh
Lat Long:18.778716, 81.997143
Establish :1982
Area (in km2): 200
Entry Fees:Entry Fee for Indians : 25 Rs.
Entry Fee for Foreigners : 200 Rs.
Closing Day:No
Nearest Railway Station :Raipur Junction Railway Station
Nearest Airport:Jagdalpur Airport
Nearest Hotel :Park Forest Rest House
Phone Number (Offical):077822 28640
Website :www.cgforest.com
Notability:important bird area as attributed by BirdLife International, new species frog named Rana CharlesDarwini

Last Updated on : June 18, 2021

  National Park and Sanctuaries