Namdapha National Park, Arunachal Pradesh

Location of Namdapha National Park, Arunachal Pradesh

Facts and Information about Namdapha National Park

State:Arunachal Pradesh
Address:Namdapha Tiger Reserve, MV Road, Arunachal Pradesh – 792122
Lat Long:27.443438, 96.535634
Establish :1974
Area (in km2): 1985.24
Entry Fees:Entry fee for Indians: 40 Rs.
Entry fee for Foreigners: 500 Rs.
*Entry fee for Children and Students Half the above rate.
Closing Day:No
Nearest Railway Station :Margherita Railway Station
Nearest Airport:Mohanbari Airport
Nearest Hotel :Forest guest house, Noa-Dihing
Phone Number (Offical):+91-3807-222249

Last Updated on : June 18, 2021

  National Park and Sanctuaries