Complete the sentence appropriately: It is………………….

Class 10th English, Question Paper 2023:Complete the sentence appropriately: It is clear that metaphor is the poetic device used for pads of velvet' because_________(clue-explain how metaphor applies here).

Question :Complete the sentence appropriately:
It is clear that metaphor is the poetic device used for pads of velvet’ because_________(clue-explain how metaphor applies here).

The correct answer is – It is clear that metaphor is the poetic device used for “pads of velvet” because the phrase compares the tiger’s footsteps to the texture and softness of velvet.

Metaphor is a literary device that compares two things by suggesting that one thing is another thing, without using the words “like” or “as”. In this case, the phrase “pads of velvet” is a metaphor because it is comparing the texture and softness of the tiger’s footsteps to that of velvet, without using the word “like” or “as”.

By using this metaphor, the author is creating a vivid sensory image of the tiger’s movements. The phrase “pads of velvet” suggests a sense of quiet and grace in the tiger’s movements, despite his size and power. This helps to create a sense of tension and anticipation, as the reader can imagine the tiger stalking through the shadows with stealth and precision.