Question -Mention the major problems faced by global road transport in mountainous and hot desert areas.
The correct answer is -Global road transport faces several major challenges when operating in mountainous and hot desert areas. Some of the major problems faced by road transport in these areas are:
Steep gradients and narrow roads: Mountainous areas have steep gradients, sharp turns, and narrow roads, which make it difficult for heavy vehicles to navigate. This increases the risk of accidents and also slows down traffic.
Lack of infrastructure: Many mountainous and desert areas lack proper infrastructure, such as bridges, tunnels, and rest areas, which can make it difficult for vehicles to travel long distances.
Extreme weather conditions: Hot desert areas experience extreme weather conditions, such as high temperatures, sandstorms, and flash floods, which can damage roads and vehicles. This can also make it difficult for drivers to navigate and increases the risk of accidents.
Security concerns: Mountainous and desert areas can be prone to security concerns, such as theft and hijacking, which can put drivers and cargo at risk.
High transportation costs: Due to the difficult terrain and lack of infrastructure, transportation costs in mountainous and desert areas can be higher than in other areas. This can make it difficult for businesses to operate in these areas and can also increase the cost of goods and services for consumers.