Golconda — An empire of 14th to 18th century.

Question :Golconda — An empire of 14th to 18th century.

The correct answer is -Golconda was a historical region in the southern part of India, located in the present-day state of Telangana. It was ruled by various dynasties from the 14th to the 18th century, including the Kakatiya, Bahmani, Qutb Shahi, and Asaf Jahi dynasties.

The region was known for its rich diamond mines, which were the primary source of wealth for the rulers. The famous Koh-i-Noor and Hope diamonds were said to have been mined from the Golconda region.

The Qutb Shahi dynasty, which ruled from 1518 to 1687, was the most significant dynasty to rule Golconda. They built the famous Golconda Fort, which became the center of their administration and military power. The fort was renowned for its architecture and was considered to be impregnable.

Golconda was also known for its rich cultural heritage. The region was a center of learning and attracted scholars and artists from all over India. The Qutb Shahi dynasty was particularly known for its patronage of the arts, including music, poetry, and architecture.

In the 18th century, the Golconda region was annexed by the Mughal Empire, and later by the Nizam of Hyderabad. Today, the Golconda Fort and its surroundings are a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors from all over the world