Mention any two provisions of the Punjab Accord signed by Rajiv Gandhi and Harchand…

CBSE Political Science class 12 question and answer |Mention any two provisions of the Punjab Accord signed by Rajiv Gandhi and Harchand Singh Longowal in 1985.


Mention any two provisions of the Punjab Accord signed by Rajiv Gandhi and Harchand Singh Longowal in 1985.


  1. Termination of Agitation: The Punjab Accord, signed in 1985 by Rajiv Gandhi and Harchand Singh Longowal, included provisions for the termination of the agitation launched by Sikh groups demanding greater autonomy for Punjab.

  2. Regional Autonomy: Another provision of the Punjab Accord was the promise to grant greater regional autonomy to Punjab and other states, addressing the demands for decentralization of power and governance.