Has your home Wi-Fi signal seemed a bit weaker lately in certain places? Or do you find it tedious that your streams and downloads are not as strong as you go away from your router? But worry not, as there are several easy solutions to help boost your Wi-Fi coverage. In this article, there are some tips that can help you maximise your Wi-Fi range all over your house.
Checking Your Router’s Placement
The location of your router can make a big difference in the strength and range of your wireless network. Ideally, your router should be centrally located on the highest floor of your home for the best signal distribution. Ensure it is positioned in a clear space free from debris, thick walls or big home appliances that might hinder the signal. You also shouldn’t put it by cordless phones, baby monitors, Bluetooth devices, or a microwave because these can also mess up the signal and cause interference. So, how does your router placement hold up? It is one of the quickest ways to improve your Wi-Fi coverage by allocating it to a premium spot.
Optimising Your Router Settings
You can also try logging into your router settings. Set your wireless security protocol to the latest and most secure standard, like WPA2. Routers’ firmware should also be updated to the latest version to ensure better security and features. Moreover, there are routers that even allow you to change the transmit power – you can tweak it a bit higher for a longer reach, but be careful not to set it too high and create too much interference, causing connection problems. It will only take a few minutes of your time to adjust these settings and get better Wi-Fi in the process.
Using a Wi-Fi Extender or Mesh System
If repositioning your router or toggling around settings doesn’t do anything, splurging on a Wi-Fi extender or mesh system is a wise purchase. A Wi-Fi extender essentially picks up your existing Wi-Fi signal and rebroadcasts it to reach weak spots. Additionally, mesh systems such as Google WiFi employ multiple access points that collaborate to behave as a single network and enable seamless roaming. Strategically place extenders or nodes where you have issues with reliable coverage throughout the house. They are relatively affordable and can be self-installed in no time — you will enjoy a stronger, more consistent Wi-Fi signal throughout your home.
Checking for Interference Sources
Most home Wi-Fi woes can be blamed on interference from other wireless devices and electronics nearby. Baby monitors, Bluetooth speakers, cordless phones, TV streams, and fast telephone lines are the most common culprits. A wireless analyser app can be used to scan both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands to identify sources of interference. Is there any way you can move the offending device further away from your router or, at the very least, put it on another channel to reduce the congestion? You may be surprised how much cleaner airwaves can boost your Wi-Fi!
Does Your Internet Speed Match Your Plan?
Quickly test your internet speed so that before you point fingers at your router or your signal, you make sure you are paying to receive the specific internet speed. Launch your browser and go to your preferred internet speed test site. Use a test near and away from your router. If results are up and down or aren’t even close to the plan speed, the very first thing to do is contact your ISP to make sure their end of the server is sealed up properly. Slow internet speeds naturally lead to weaker Wi-Fi as well.
Have You Tried Restarting Your Devices?
Occasionally, a quick restart of your router, extender or client devices (your laptops, phones or any other smart devices) might do wonders. This clears out any cache buildup, temporary glitches or stale connections that lead to sluggish performance. Disconnect your router for 30 seconds plug it back in, and similarly power cycle any Wi-Fi extenders and client devices to reboot them. You would be amazed how much restarting will do for the Wi-Fi.
Wi-Fi connectivity problems can be one of the most annoying things, but there is no reason to get disappointed about it. Following these recommendations should help you diagnose and expand your wireless coverage. If this doesn’t help, or if the answer to the previous question is no, then there may be a problem with your internet connection, and you should contact your internet provider. A few small changes will allow you to stream and quickly search around your entire home.