Constant rise in crime rate against women has increased the demand for safety apps. The Delhi gang-rape in 2012 was a watershed moment for the collective conscience of India. We all shouted, rallied, cried, and expressed our angst against the system. But, as we got busy with our daily lives after the death of ‘Nirbhaya’, nothing changed. Violence against women became worse.
National Crime Records Bureau’s statistics show that crime rate against women (crime per 100,000 female populations) increased from 41.7 in 2012 to 55.2 in 2016. In 2007, reported crime against women in India was 21 every hour. It increased to 39 every hour in 2016.
Nonetheless, awareness about the widespread violence against the female gender has increased. Subsequently, many apps have been developed for women to seek help to avoid any untoward incident. Though these safety apps cannot eradicate violence, they definitely empower women with the confidence to move around.
The top 5 Safety Apps for women in India are:
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