For carmakers hoping to bring new models to the Indian market, festive season is the hottest seat in the year round game of blackjack, and 2019 is going to be no different. From the arrival of Ganpati and through to Diwali, seven new vehicles are being launched in the market, three of them cars, three facelifts and a new variant, and are expected to arrive in showrooms across the country sometime in the coming months. Despite the current slow sales in the industry, the car manufacturers are going forward with their launch plans. Doesn’t that provide a silver lining to this desolate cloud blanketing the market right now? Quite a few of the four wheeler players are planning to launch new cars and it is confirmed that Maruti Suzuki, Renault, Honda, Hyundai, Tata and Toyota will be adding fresh offerings to their respective line-ups.
The following cars can be expected in the market in the months to follow:
(please click Next to know the names of cars)