Geography (Class 12) Term 2 Question Paper 2023
1. Who, among the following economists created the Human Development Index in the year 1990?
(A) Prof. Amartya Sen
(C) Dr. Mahbub-ul-Haq
(B) Dr. Manmohan Singh
(D) Ellen C. Semple
2. Which one of the following approaches was initially proposed by the International Labour Organisation (ILO)?
(A) Income Approach
(B) Welfare Approach
(C) Basic Needs Approach
(D) Capability Approach
3. Which of the following is NOT a key area in human development?
(A) Access to resources
(B) Long and healthy life
(C) Education
(D) Economic disadvantage
4. In a developed economy, the majority of workers got employment in which of the following sectors of the economy?
(A) Primary sector
(C) Tertiary sector
(B) Secondary sector
(D) Quaternary sector
5. Which one of the following activities is related to quaternary activities?
(A) Production of information
(B) Fishing
(C) Tourism
(D) Trading
6. Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of retail trading?
(A) It is concerned with selling goods directly to the consumers.
(B) Most of the retail trading takes place in fixed establishments.
(C) Most of the retail stores procure their supplies from intermediate stores.
(D) Retail trading constitutes bulk business through numerous intermediary merchants and supply houses.
7. Modern manufacturing is NOT characterised by which one of the following?
(A) A complex machine technology (B) Vast capital
(C) Small organisations
(D) Executive bureaucracy
8. Identify the feature of mixed farming from the following:
(A) It is most advanced and efficient type of rearing milch animals.
(B) Equal emphasis is laid on crop cultivation and animal husbandry
(C) It was introduced by the Europeans in colonies.
(D) The regions where farmers specialised in vegetables only.
9. Which of the following is an example of an ‘educational town’?
(A) Surat
(B) Delhi
(C) Pilani
(D) Jaipur
10. Which one of the following is NOT true about Bharmaur tribal region?
(A) This region comprises of Bharmaur and Holi tehsil of Chamba district.
(B) It is not a notified tribal area.
(C) It is mainly inhabited by Gaddi tribal community.
(D) The tribals practise transhumance.
11. Which of the following statement is NOT true regarding Indira Gandhi Canal?
(A) It was previously known as Rajasthan canal.
(B) It originates at Harika barrage in Punjab.
(C) The canal runs almost parallel to Pakistan border.
(D) Rajasthan is least benefitted by this canal.
12. Which of the following commission replaced Planning Commission?
(A) Election Commission
(B) NITI Aayog
(C) Law Commission
(D) Education Commission
13. Choose the correct pair from the following :
(A) Industrial town – Vishakhapatnam
(B) Transport town – Satna
(C) Commercial town – Bhilai
(D) Administrative town – Bhopal
14. Match the Column I with Column Il and choose the correct option:
Column I | Column II |
i Clustered | a. Isolated settlement |
ii Semi-clustered | b. Units are locally known as Panna, Para, Palli |
iii Hamleted | c. Fragmented settlement |
iv Dispersed | d. Closely built up region |