Describe the Social implications of access to Resources during Mahabharat period

Class 12th Hitory, Question -Describe the Social implications of access to Resources during Mahabharat period

Question 10:Describe the Social implications of access to Resources during Mahabharat period

The correct answer is -i. Gendered access to property-. According to the Dharmashastras
the paternal estate was to be divided equally amongst sons after
the death of the Father, with a special share for the eldest.
ii. Women could not claim a share of these resources.
iii. Women were allowed to retain stridhana
iv. This could be inherited by their children, without the husband
having any claim on it.
v. Wealthy women such as the Vakataka queen Prabhavati Gupta
had property including lands.
vi. Epigraphic and textual evidences suggest that upper-class women
had access to resources, land, cattle and money.
vii. Varna and access to property-There were criterion for regulating
access to wealth was varna.,

viii. While a variety of occupations were listed for varnas
ix. Poems included in the Tamil Sangam anthologies often illuminate
social and economic relationships, while there were differences
between rich and poor, those who controlled resources were also
expected to share them.
x. Any other relevant point
To be evaluated as a whole