‘Land ceiling promotes equity.’ Support the given statement with valid explanation.

Class 12th Economics, Question -‘Land ceiling promotes equity.’ Support the given statement with valid explanation.

Question 19:‘Land ceiling promotes equity.’ Support the given statement with valid explanation.

The correct answer is – Land ceiling is a policy measure that limits the amount of land that an individual or entity can own. The objective of land ceiling is to promote equity by redistributing land to landless or marginal farmers, and to prevent concentration of land ownership in the hands of a few.

Here are some reasons why land ceiling promotes equity:

  1. Redistributes land: Land ceiling helps to redistribute land from large landowners to landless or marginal farmers, who do not have access to sufficient land to earn their livelihood. This helps to promote equity and reduce inequality.

  2. Increases agricultural productivity: Land ceiling helps to increase agricultural productivity by providing land to those who have the skills and knowledge to cultivate it effectively. This, in turn, leads to increased agricultural output, higher rural incomes, and improved food security.

  3. Promotes social justice: Land ceiling promotes social justice by ensuring that land is not concentrated in the hands of a few, but is distributed more evenly among the rural population. This helps to reduce social disparities and promote social harmony.

  4. Prevents land speculation: Land ceiling prevents land speculation, which is the practice of buying land for investment purposes rather than for cultivation or production. This helps to keep land prices affordable for farmers and prevent large landowners from monopolizing land.

In conclusion, land ceiling promotes equity by redistributing land, increasing agricultural productivity, promoting social justice, and preventing land speculation. However, it is important to implement land ceiling policies in a way that is fair and does not infringe on the rights of landowners.