Margayya, the hero of ‘ The Financial Expert’ is probably Narayan’s greatest single comic creation. Justify.

Class 12th English Elective, Question - Margayya, the hero of ‘ The Financial Expert’ is probably Narayan’s greatest single comic creation. Justify.

English Elective

Question- Margayya, the hero of ‘ The Financial Expert’ is probably Narayan’s greatest single comic creation. Justify.


The correct answer is : Modern town man always struggling to change his social position –experiences ups and downs of life – attains self
knowledge only when he gives up his chase for money – lack of insight contributes to his failure-L ust for money, but
Margayya is no monster of greed and wickedness. R.K. Narayan has succeeded in humanizing him and showing that,
despite his lust for money, he is a human being like us.