Why was Green revolution implemented and how did it benefit the farmers?

Class 12th Economics, Question -Why was Green revolution implemented and how did it benefit the farmers?

Question 27:Why was Green revolution implemented and how did it benefit the farmers?

The correct answer is – The Green Revolution was implemented in India to increase agricultural production and ensure self-dependence in terms of food-grain production. There was a shortage of food-grains in the post-independent period, and the government wanted to address this issue.

The Green Revolution in India was introduced by using high-yielding varieties of seeds of wheat developed by Dr. Norman Borlung and his associates in Mexico, and by introducing modern agricultural techniques such as the use of fertilizers, pesticides, and better irrigation facilities. This allowed for increased crop yields and agricultural production.

The implementation of the Green Revolution had a significant impact on farmers. The high-yielding varieties of seeds allowed farmers to increase their yield and income. The modern farming techniques also helped farmers to produce crops more efficiently and effectively, which increased their profitability.

Farmers who adopted the Green Revolution techniques were able to produce more crops in a shorter period of time, which enabled them to sell their surplus produce and earn additional income. This increased income helped to improve the living standards of the farmers and their families.

Furthermore, the Green Revolution in India also helped to create buffer stocks of food-grains through agencies like the Food Corporation of India, which helped in situations of adversities such as droughts and floods.

Overall, the implementation of the Green Revolution in India benefitted farmers by increasing their agricultural productivity and income, improving their living standards, and providing a buffer against food shortages during difficult times.