When you don’t get a good seat, you don’t get a good picture, but if it is music and great music at that, your soul would warm up to it and remain warm. That was my fantastic first learning of the day, thank you for that, Geetu Hinduja. Geetu Hinduja warmed so many souls on this exceptionally cold winter morning in Jaipur and there was no reason why she wouldn’t have succeeded in doing that – she had put her whole soul into it and it worked. Contemporary folk set to soft rock it was, and I enjoyed it. It has kept me going, and I am sure my rest of the day would also be wonderful.

Jerry Pinto taught me to look for the sync between heart and doing right things while writing. When you are writing, you must keep on coming back to your drafts and questioning yourself, even ridiculing yourself for what has been written by you, being honest to yourself works. Opting for stereotyping while writing is disastrous and avoiding it is the best you can do to yourself. It was interesting to know that how little you know about people you care for and live with, discovering them and knowing more about them builds you up as a writer. A great session. Enjoyed.

I will call it a coincidence. I was attending a session on photography by Dayanita Singh and I had her on the cover of Mint Lounge as a lady carrying the cover story on her shoulders. She is dynamic and she was here to teach as much as to showcase her work. Very interesting take on life and a potent mix of what it takes to get a good photograph – literature, accumulated knowledge, and state of the mind and light. Absolutely stunning, on- the-face approach to profession. I do some on-the-spot photography and she taught me a self test of how good I am. This test is simple, you stand on a spot and without moving away from the spot, you go ahead and take 36 photographs keeping the basics, she mentioned and I quoted above, in mind. The world opens up.
It is going great for me and I am sure for all those who are choosing their sessions with their heart.