Health is an integral part of our life; how much you can enjoy your life depends on his/her physical and mental health. Hence, April 7 is an annual affair to celebrate the World Health Day initiated by the World Health Organisation (WHO). The day came into effect in 1950, and since then, it has been observed worldwide to create awareness towards proper health care.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic across the world, this World Health Day is very important to express our solidarity and gratitude towards the health professionals.
Celebrating the warriors & unsung heroes against COVID-19
The theme for the 2020 World Health Day is to support nurses and midwives. This is because of the critical role played by the nurses and other health workers for the promotion of healthcare in the world. When the world as a whole is fighting against the novel coronavirus, nurses and doctors are putting every ounce of their energy for the treatment of the affected patients of COVID-19.
Currently, our health workers are playing a leading role showing courage, humanity and selfishness putting their own life at risk. It is undeniable that nurses are unsung heroes and provide a perfect example for others to come forward in the time of crisis.
A Vital Pivot
Several doctors and nurses have lost their precious lives while treating COVID-19 patients. Quite merely, nurses are instrumental in the medical team for the smooth functioning of the hospitals, clinics and health centres. World Health Day is an opportunity to enhance their education, safety and working conditions so that they can perform their duty in their best capacity.
Nursing is a mission
The round-the-clock invaluable service of the nurses and midwives across the world is more than visible. However, their social function, sacrifice, dedication and commitment on the humanitarian ground have attracted the youngsters to make it their profession. Hence, it is not wrong to say that the profession of nurses is a mission to save humanity from the clutches of diseases and death.
WHO praises nurses dedication
Highlighting the current position of the nurses across the world, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and its allies have decided to make a series of recommendations to reinforce the nursing and midwifery workforces with ample respect. Their presence is essential for achieving the national and universal health-related targets in respective categories such as maternal and child health, infectious and non-communicable diseases, preparation before an emergency and taking care of patients’ safety after that and so on.
India’s effort
India’s rank in public health spending is abysmal. Poor quality of healthcare in India is the reason behind substantial preventable deaths in the country. To overcome this issue, the government has taken several positive steps for the betterment of Indian healthcare. Some of the projects are:
Ayushman Bharat
This was launched in 2018 with the partnership of the Union and state governments to provide better health facilities, insurance to the weaker section up to 5 lakh per family in a year. Currently, the funds allocated for insurance were revised in 2019-20. At present, it is Rs.6,400 crore.
Mission Indradhanush
The purpose behind this mission is to provide vaccination facilities for those who are deprived of this primary facility in both rural and urban areas. Several vaccines such as Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV), Measles-Rubella (MR) vaccine, and JE vaccine for adults have been launched since 2014.
WHO and other organisations celebrate the World Health Day from one platform to enlighten the underprivileged class of the society about the importance of health in their life. Many programmes are organised on World Health Day so that people can participate and get the basic knowledge of how to remain healthy.
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