Here is to the most special day in February. Valentine’s Day is the day of love on February 14. It is such a beautiful feeling – to love and to be loved. But if you are single, this day doesn’t have to appear as cursed as you might think. Trust me the singles on this day can feel a bit left out.
Valentine’s Day wishes to yourself
I speak from my personal experience that I used to dread this day to the core, and it was much later that I realized that I’m in a relationship with myself first. Hence, this special day, pledge to be committed to yourself first, love yourself because it is only when you love yourself that you can truly love another in the most selfless way. So, to all the singles out there, let’s celebrate happiness.
Here are some fun activities you can pursue to profess your love to yourself.
Go on a solo trip
The best thing about this Valentine’s Day is that it is coming on a long weekend. So, book tickets for that much-needed solo trip that would rejuvenate you. You can opt for a nearby location or you can also book a room at a nice hotel and indulge yourself with room service and a day of lounging in bed or better soaking yourself in a bubble bath while you read a book, listen to music or sip wine. It’s important to spend quality time with yourself.
Treat Yourself
Ok, tell me something. We all have bought tons of beautiful gifts for our beloved, but what have you gifted yourself on this day? Nothing, right? Well, then let’s change it this Valentine’s Day. Take yourself out on a shopping spree. If not spree, then at least buy that bag or watch that you had been eyeing for long, or the gadget that you want desperately or the dress that you didn’t buy or the jewellery piece that you felt was too high on budget. Buy something and prove that you love yourself too. So, dress up and go out and treat yourself.
A cosy dinner with family
Family is our first love and somehow, we don’t tell them this often. So, on this special day, cook a lavish meal for them and tell them how much they mean to you.
Go for a spa session
We all need relaxation in our fast-paced life, and what can be better than a spa session? So, book yourself a luxurious spa session wherein you can de-stress yourself and be ready for the new day. This is a beautiful way of telling yourself that you are on number one when it comes to the priority list. So, pamper yourself and trust me, your body will thank you for this.
Plan out your day your way
Every day of our life is dictated by someone else. Be it our boss or family. Take the reins of your life in your hands on this day at least. Plan your day the way you want. Get up late or early, order food or cook yourself an extravagant meal, go out dressed in your best or stay at home watching TV or dance your heart out. Remember, this is your day and you have a right to spend it the way you like.
Have a friends’ sleepover
I agree they would be busy celebrating their Valentine’s Day, still, I’m sure you would find a few friends of yours who would be single. So, call your friends for a sleepover. Talk your hearts out to each other over sumptuous meal and wine. After all, with friends, one can never feel gloomy and moreover who loves you more than your friends.
This is an ideal time for some introspection in order to be a better version of yourself. So, make a list of ways in which you can upgrade yourself. Include a list of goals that you want to achieve or the areas where you want to work upon. Be it getting into shape or curbing that temper of yours. Make this Valentine’s Day a productive day for yourself and work upon it.
Binge-watch movies or Netflix for Valentine’s Day
We all want one day in which we are not doing anything but being a couch potato. Go switch off those lights, draw the curtains, light a scented candle, grab your favourite blanket and binge-watch romantic or comedy flicks or opt for Netflix. The choice is yours. But a day of not doing anything will rejuvenate you to the core.
Family Day Out
What can be better than a family’s day out? Ask your parents and siblings to get ready and take them out to spend a day together. You can watch a movie together followed by lunch or you can just hit the mall and shop with laughter ringing in your ears. This is an ideal day to spend quality time with family and you will end up feeling more loved than you’ve ever been.
Go on a Date with Yourself
Slip into that favourite dress of yours, wear makeup and stunning piece of jewellery. Book yourself a table and go for a date for yourself. It may sound cliché but it’s an amazing step to take the reins of your life into your hands. You will not only turn heads because of the confidence that you would be radiating by having dinner with yourself but you will also be coming off as an example that you don’t need someone else to be happy as your happiness is within you. Learn the concept of loving yourself.
This Valentine’s Day change how you look at love. You are your first and foremost responsibility and it is your duty to showcase love to yourself. So, ditch being sad or worried about being single, because technically you’re not. You have – YOU. And that’s the best partner one can ever ask for. Remember, nobody is as reliable to bring happiness in your world other than yourself. So, rock on this Valentine’s Day with your new-found love for yourself.