Kidney disease is spreading with great speed across the globe, and currently, 850 million people are suffering from this life-threatening disease worldwide. The World Kidney Day 2020 is being observed today, to raise awareness on how to keep the kidney healthy. The theme of 2020 is “Kidney Health for Everyone Everywhere – from Prevention to Detection an Equitable Access to Care.
Kidney disease a global issue
Chronic kidney disease is increasing by the day, and it is estimated that it is the 6th deadliest disease globally responsible for more than 2.4 million deaths every year. Besides this, over 10 per cent people in the world are affected by renal ailments.
Significance of World Kidney Day
The day was celebrated for the first time in 2006. In the beginning, 66 countries came on one platform. At present, the participant number has gone up to 88, which is a significant improvement.
During our day, we intake a lot which can swing from healthy greens to plain junk food. The cycle continues and we keep functioning as usual. But, are any of those foods acting like a slow poison? The ones which do you no visible harm now but are gradually working up bigger and greater damage, especially for your kidneys. Apparently, there are many kidney damaging foods, which are part of our everyday diet, that weaken its functioning with time.
Let’s look at all those sly ones and minimise their consumption, if not completely get rid of them.
(please click Next > to know the names)