Motichoor ke laddoo, boondi ke laddoo, besan ke ya gond ke? Let’s also take note of the saying, “Shaadi ka ladoo…jo khaye woh pachtaye… jo na khaye woh pachtaye”. There is something in laddoo, isn’t it and so we say “Mann mein laddoo phut rahe hain”, when we see someone very happy. Laddoo equates to joy and it is not subtle, it is boisterous, emphatic and overpowering.
It is said Laddoo originated in Mithilanchal region of Bihar during the reign of Chandragupta Maurya. There are many people who would contest this, but do we care where it originated actually? What is the thing to note is that till this day its popularity has not decreased even though there are cakes and mousses and pastries and host of fancy sweets to win your hearts. But laddoo will have that special place always and in some aspects nothing will replace it. It will always be used as an offering to deities; it will be there in the weddings and celebrations. In fact the largest laddoo weighing 6,300 kg was made during Ganesh festival in Andhra Pradesh in September 2012. Then at Tirupati 150,000 laddoos are made daily. There are so many interesting facts associated with this traditional sweet.

Another unique aspect about laddoo is that the ones made at home and those available outside both taste heavenly to be precise. We love gond ke laddoo or the sooji ke laddoo or for that matter even besan ke laddo made at home. The way they are made can give competition to the laddoos sold at the shops. And on top of that the same variety will vary in taste that is it depends on how the mixing is done. Maybe love is an important ingredient. An all time favorite is of course the boondi ke laddoo made with lots of ghee and almond and pistachios. I guess the sweet shops compete in this variety with each other.
For making Boondi Laddoo you need besan or gram flour. Sieve it and add cooking soda, make a batter of this which should have the consistency of a dosa batter. Now make a sugar syrup which should be of one thread consistency. This can be done while stirring constantly till the sugar dissolves in water. Remove from fire. Make boondis frying them in ghee with slotted ladle. You need to take care that the batter is of right proportion and for that test it by dropping one boondi in fire, if that is round then the batter is fine and if it forms a tail then you need to add more water to the mixture. When the boondis are done shift them to the sugar syrup, add dry fruits and make round balls while they are lukewarm. You will need melted ghee when you are shaping the balls with hands for that round shape. Boondi laddoo is ready, you can store them in airtight container.
Calories intake? Now that is a tricky part when we are discussing laddoos. Some things cannot be discussed in the same breath. On an average there are 246 calories in one laddoo, this can change depending on the fact if the laddo is soaking with ghee or is much drier variety, if it has more dry fruits or is a plain one. Here you have to decide what you want laddoos and calories or nothing at all.