Soup is one healthy dish which should definitely be a part of your daily meals. With so many vegetables available in the market, there is no dearth of the kind of soups you can make at home. So why have only regular soup? Let’s try something different this time and give the taste buds a new experience. I used peas and mint leaves to make the soup today, and it turned out to have a delightful aroma and amazing taste. I just quickly fried the ingredients and blended them together to make the soup nice and easy.
Follow this recipe to enjoy this delectable soup!
All you need is (serves 4)
- Green onion: 1 cup (cut in small pieces)
- Green peas: 1 cup
- Mint leaves: 1/2 cup (coarsely cut)
- Ginger: 1 tsp (grated)
- Garlic: 4 to 5 cloves (cut in small pieces)
- Salt: 1 tsp
- Lemon juice: 1 tsp
- Butter: 2 tsp
- Fresh cream: 2 tsp
- Black pepper powder: 1/4 tsp
Pea & Mint Soup Recipe
- Preparation time: 10 min.
- Cooking time: 20 min.
- Heat butter in pan, add garlic and saute for a min.
- Add green onion and ginger and saute for 2 min.
- Add green peas and mint leaves and saute for another 2 min.
- Add 2 cups of water and bring it to a boil; cook until peas are soft; now cool the mixture.
- Blend the mixture into a puree.
- Heat the puree in a pan, add lemon juice, salt, black pepper powder and mix.
- Garnish with fresh cream.
- Serve hot.