What is there in the gulab jamun which inspires you the most? Inspiration? Is that there in the sweet? It is as it inspires you to get away from your diet, it inspires you to indulge in a sweet journey of delicate taste and a lot more. I can keep on singing praises for this sweet, but what attracts me the most in this sweet is the fact that you don’t need to keep on gulping a number of gulab jamuns to satiate your hunger for sweetness. Sometimes one or two gulab jamuns are just enough for that heavenly experience.
Then this sweet they say tastes the best when it is hot, but tell me wouldn’t you like it when it is cold? Just out of the refrigerator waiting to be enjoyed? Or you would dislike it when it is served at room temperature and wouldn’t have it? There lies the flexibility; food should have it, isn’t it? Kind of liberates us and gives us freedom to enjoy it whenever we can.

There are many versions of this sweet. Gulab jamuns, pantua, kala jamun, ledikeni and yes there is whole lot of difference in all these but somewhere there is a commonality. If gulab jamun are made with flour and khoya or mawa, then pantua is with chena or cottage cheese and khoya, kala jamun or kalajam has sugar coated on it before it is fried to give it that black color and ledikeni is an oblong sweet dedicated to Lady Canning. There is one variety which is dipped in sugar syrup and another one which is dry. In the south the sweet has the stuffing of coconut so the imagination keeps on working and doing wonders to the final output.

What happens to your diet plan when you consume gulab jamun? An indulgence in two gulab jamun will add 300 calories. So you have the choice of either the taste or the health. It is much better to cut down on the calorie intake for this sweet that day or do the workout and burn the calories. Do I need to add here don’t miss the gulab jamun? For a foodie this option does not exist.
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