Cherimoya (Annona cherimola), often called custard apple, is a tropical fruit with greenish, leathery shell and custard flesh. The interior is sweet and gritty, with substantial black seedlings that are easy to remove. It is frequently consumed raw, mixed into smoothies, or mixed into fruit salad, yoghurt, porridge, or soup. Cherimoya contains various nutrients such as phytonutrients, minerals, nutrients, and fibre.
Mentioned-Below are the health advantages of the tropical fruit ‘Cherimoya’:
Includes antioxidants
Antioxidants are necessary for a robust and healthy body. Although the body may create certain antioxidants on its own, increasing your dosage can assist you in battling and protecting chronic illnesses like cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and tumours from taking root.
Cherimoya is high in antioxidant substances such as polyphenols, kaurenoic acid, vit C, and lutein, all of which have been found to neutralise free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.
Potential To Improve Eye Health
Cherimoya is high in lutein, one of the most abundant carotenoids in the eye ( retina and macula). Lutein is a visual filter, shielding the eyes from harmful UV rays. Consuming meals high in this vitamin may help prevent eye illnesses such as cataracts, which frequently contribute to age-related retinitis pigmentosa.
May rejuvenate your mood
Cherimoya is high in vitamin B6, which is essential for maintaining a positive mood and enhancing attention. This is because B6 is required to produce neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which help control your mood.
A serving of cherimoya fruit (160 grams) contains up to 24% of your dose of vitamin B6 requirements, significantly increasing your consumption and encouraging the benefits. Sufficient B6 consumption has also been demonstrated to reduce the chance of getting depression by twofold.
May benefit intestinal health
Cherimoya is fibre-rich, with one cup (160 grams) providing 5 grams or 27% of your necessities. Fibre benefits digestive health in various ways: bulking up the stool and boosting bowel movement. It also helps to keep your intestines regular and may be helpful in treating diarrhoea or avoiding constipation.
Furthermore, fibre feeds the beneficial gut bacteria, stimulating short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) such as butyrate, acetate, and propionate via decomposition. SCFAs are your colonic cells’ principal source of nourishment. They also help reduce inflammation, protecting against gut inflammatory processes, including chronic illness and ulcerative colitis.
SCFs may also lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and other illnesses. Incorporating rich dietary fibre foods, such as Cherimoya, can not only improve your gut health but also lessen your chance of acquiring a variety of chronic illnesses.
Helps in reducing blood pressure
Cherimoya is high in potassium and magnesium, which help regulate blood pressure. The body requires potassium and magnesium to maintain dilated and relaxed capillaries, resulting in lower blood pressure.
Potential to combat cancer
Cherimoya includes antioxidants such as epicatechin, and epigallocatechin, which have been found in lab experiments to suppress cancer development. Catechins were shown to inhibit breast cancer cell development in one research, while epicatechin inhibited cellular proliferation and reproduction in bladder cancer therapy. This is a fascinating prospective advantage, although further human research may be required.