What are the Water Chestnuts and its benefits?

Water chestnuts are very similar to water caltrop. It is a fruit that grows in ponds, paddy fields and shallow lakes and is also known as Singhara. They are purple and bright pink from the outside, which are broad and have a heart-shaped structure. In comparison, the water caltrops have a bat-like form. So, one shouldn’t get confused between water caltrops and water chestnuts.

It is native to Southeast Asia, Southern China, Australia and many islands in the Indian and Pacific oceans and is harvested when its bulb turns dark brown. Water chestnuts have a crispy, white structure that can be enjoyed eating raw or cooked. It is used as a common ingredient in Asian dishes such as chop suey and salads.

Water chestnuts taste sweet and delicious, which have so many health benefits.

Here is a list of the benefits of eating water chestnuts:

Weight Loss:

This fruit contains 74 % of water, which makes it a high-volume fruit. Following a diet rich in high-volume foods can help you lose weight, as they can keep you feeling full for an extended period with fewer calories.

High Amounts of Antioxidants:

Water chestnuts contain many antioxidants that help protect the body against harmful molecules called free radicals. If free radicals compile in the body, they can overtake its natural defences and promote oxidative stress. These radicals can cause atherosclerosis, cancer, inflammatory joint disease, asthma, diabetes, senile dementia and degenerative eye disease.

Oxidative stress increases the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and many cancers.

This fruit is an excellent source of the antioxidants ferulic acid, gallocatechin gallate, epicatechin gallate. It reduces the risk of cancer and diabetes Mellitus. In addition, these antioxidants help the body beat oxidative stress, which is linked to many chronic diseases.

High in nutrition but low in calories:

Water chestnuts contain so many nutrients and high amounts of fibre, potassium, manganese, copper, vitamin B6 and riboflavin, and vitamin B2, which helps break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Vitamin B2 helps to convert carbohydrates into adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The body produces adenosine triphosphate from food, which helps to have a good amount of energy.

Helps to lower down Blood Pressure and reduce the risk of Heart Disease:

Water chestnuts are a great source of potassium, and potassium helps to regulate fluid balance, muscle contractions and nerve signals. Therefore, rich diets in potassium reduce the heart disease risk factors such as high blood pressure and strokes.

Keeps hair healthy:

Water chestnuts contain many essential nutrients such as potassium, zinc, and B that help remove toxins from the body, necessary for healthy hair growth. They can be found quickly if you live close to a pond or a lake. You can purchase them from markets and fruit shops as well.

How to buy the best water chestnuts?

Whenever you go to purchase water chestnuts, always pick the hard and shiny ones. Make sure that they don’t have any marks, bruises, decayed spots or mushy spots. You should always purchase good quality and healthy water chestnuts that look bright pink or purple and white on the inside.